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Dr. Bill's Videos

Welcome To Dr. Bill Lawler’s Chiropractic 4 Kids & Families

Dr. Bill Lawler of Chiropractic 4 Kids & Families is committed to empowering parents to know holistic choices on how to raise healthy kids naturally. Parenting is all about knowing what your choices are for your children and how to help them best. He works with infants, toddlers, small children to adolescents and of course their parents. He is a father of six children and grandfather to seven. He believes that the power that made the body is the driving force to heal the body and honoring that power and innate ability is key to having a healthy family.

Chiropractic for Pregnant Women

Dr. Bill Lawler works with pregnant women to help them from the first trimester to the third and all the changes that occur to their bodies. He is also well versed in the Webster Technique that helps in-utero babies ‘turn’ to the right position in a gentle manner.

Chiropractic for Infants

Did you know that adjustments for babies are gentle and many times will go unnoticed by your baby? Regluar chiropractic adjustments for your baby can help with ear infections, colic, acid reflux, fussiness, and feeding/breastfeeding issues.

Chiropractic for Kids with Colds

Chiropractic adjustments can help imporve the fuction of the immune systems. Bringing your children in for regular adjustments can help prevent common cold symoptoms by removing subluxations in the spine.

Raising Kids Naturally Without Drugs

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Teaching Kids to Listen to Their Bodies

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